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Mars is still in retrograde motion. He travels from 20-17 degrees of Cancer until February 23 when he stops and goes forward. You will be dealing with home and family issues, often more with more emotion than you like. Jupiter, who has been retrograde since early October, changes direction on February 4. He gives you more freedom to think and to travel. It’s a stay-the-course kind of month. Enjoy the relative calm.
February 1 – Moon in Pisces. It’s a mystical, magical day. The Moon, Venus, and Neptune drift together in an otherworldly ocean of bliss and imagination. It’s a day to receive information through impressions. Be careful you don’t confuse wishful thinking with the truth. You are vulnerable and need to protect yourself from the harsh realities around you and from angry people.
February 2—Moon in Aries. Remember what you learned in yesterday’s fog. Your mind is sharp again, and you can shape your thoughts into a form that’s easy to communicate. Today is Imbolic, also known as Candlemas, the day that bisects winter. The seeds of spring are stirring in the earth. Watch the movie Groundhog Day to appreciate its spiritual message.
February 3 – Moon in Aries. Put your energy towards communicating your thoughts. The words are coming fast and furious making it the perfect day to work on your presentations, podcasts, and articles. Apply for admissions, scholarships, grants, and internships. You get a second chance to explain yourself and clear up emotional misunderstandings.
February 4 – Moon in Taurus. Jupiter turns direct and now he can offer you exciting new thoughts and ideas. You can begin a new venture and/or pick up a project you put aside in October. Choose the one you wish to stick with and make it grow. Venus enters Aries to help you appreciate the new and undiscovered. It’s a good time to make travel plans.
February 5 – Moon in Taurus. It’s a day to dream big and then see how the idea can work in the real world. It’s like designing your perfect garden and then looking at the seed catalogs to see if those plants exist. Or planning an expansion or renovation for your home and then figuring out the cost. Do some grounding exercises.
February 6 – Moon in Gemini. You need to connect with people today. Share thoughts, share stories, share pictures. Seek out friends and family who seem isolated and need a kind word. Work on your writing and speaking projects, even if you just do a little bit. It’s a day to multitask and stay on the move. Cull your bookshelves and bring books to the free libraries.
February 7 – Moon in Gemini. Harness the power of the group mind. If you have been thinking of starting a group to spread positive thoughts, make it happen. Sort through your social media and eliminate any contacts you don’t like. Experiment with using AI in a constructive way. Let your inner rebel meet up with others who are like-minded and want to take action to speak your truth. Check in with siblings and cousins.
February 8 – Moon in Cancer. Enjoy the comforts of home. Your desires conflict with what’s best for the family so you need to find your pleasure in domestic joys. You can escape into your mind when you want distractions. You’ll find the right words to help unstick someone you love who is having difficulties. Nourish yourself with home-cooked food.
February 9 – Moon in Cancer. The Sun and Mercury meet and give you a push towards creating your future. They shower down new ideas to guide you in the next few months. You can start a home improvement project, especially one that brings stability and security. Is it time to install cameras outside your front door?
February 10 – Moon in Cancer. Let your instincts tell you if you need to dispose of any electronic equipment that may be spying on you. Your gut feelings will tell you the truth. Push forward against the obstacles you find as you go through the day using inventive solutions to bypass who stands in your way. Do something you love to do tonight.
February 11 – Moon in Leo. The Sun and Uranus throw you a challenge to shake up the status quo in your personal life and in the bigger picture. Things don’t go as planned. Relax your schedule so you are free to change directions. It won’t be hard to stand your ground although others want you to see it their way. You won’t be able to convince anyone to see your way either.
February 12 – Moon in Leo. Today’s full Moon in Leo is the day to celebrate your love instead of Valentine’s Day. It’s a day to love everyone unconditionally, even the ones you don’t like. Mercury hovers by the Sun and helps you spread words of peace and tenderness. Do something special for the special people in your life. Smile at everyone you see.
February 13 – Moon in Virgo. Make an assessment of your health. What procedures or vaccinations have you put off that you need to address. Take inventory of your medications, supplements, and first aid supplies to see what’s missing or out of date. It’s a day to clean and tidy and put things in order so they are easy to use. Try a new health food recipe tonight.
February 14 – Moon in Virgo. Mercury enters Pisces where he shows you what’s behind the curtain. He urges you to share your goodness and goodies with those who have none. Bring Valentine’s treats and flowers to homeless shelters and food banks. Do something substantial to help, and receive the gift that comes from caring for others. Reach out to friends who are lonely.
February 15 – Moon in Libra. Treat your partner to a surprise day after Valentine’s social event like a concert, a trip to an art museum, or a shopping trip to a jewelry store. Go out with friends who stimulate your thinking. There’s pleasure in group thought and in co-inventing ways to shake free of restrictions. Relax your dietary rules and indulge.
February 16 – Moon in Libra. Follow your dreams and set high goals. Let your thinking lead you to unusual places. Contact your heroes to see if you add anything to their lives. The only limit on you today is your fear. Shop for new art for your walls, and new furniture to replace the old ratty stuff, and check out new colors for when you repaint.
February 17 – Moon in Libra. Today is the last day of Aquarius and the last day when you can freely connect with others without emotional backwash. It is the last week with Mars retrograde so stay patient for a few more days. Replace any out-of-date electronic equipment, upgrade your software, and drool over new devices that you know are impractical.
February 18 – Moon in Scorpio. The Sun enters Pisces at 5:07 am EST. Take off your thinking cap and let yourself be flooded with feelings and impressions. Embrace the non-verbal world with its mysteries and mysticism. You can’t think your way out of problems now but need to become quiet inside and let the answers come to you.
February 19 – Moon in Scorpio. Today is like feeling your way through the house in the dark. You bump into what is familiar and then you know where you are. It’s a day for introspection and remembering what you don’t want to remember. There’s no need to share your feelings unless you want to, but it is helpful to write them in a journal.
February 20 – Moon in Sagittarius. It still feels like walking on the floors of the funhouse. Everything is moving and changing and it’s hard to grasp a guardrail. Make sure to get enough exercise. Jump into a class you’ve been thinking about. Sit at a keyboard, or in front of a recorder, and channel what flows into your mind without censoring or judging the content.
February 21 – Moon in Sagittarius. It’s a good day to go exploring. Finish up the workweek as best you can and then take off for parts unknown. Call friends and see who wants to go with you on a magical mystery tour this weekend. You can travel with your body or with your mind. Do the research tonight to find unusual excitement.
February 22 – Moon in Sagittarius. This is not a day to sit at home. You need to stretch your boundaries and have new experiences. Take a workshop, or a sports clinic, poke around a hidden area of your town or city. go to a yoga or meditation retreat. It feels good to lead friends onto new pathways and to teach what you know. Record your impressions to help you remember today.
February 23 – Moon in Capricorn. Mars is motionless today and he packs up to leave his shadowy retrograde residence. He turns direct at 9 pm EST. Look back on the past three months to see what has changed, what you’ve put aside and given up on. Reflect on your anger, fear, and frustration and work though it. Set a foundation for your next projects.
February 24 – Moon in Capricorn. You’ll see your unfinished work from a different viewpoint now. You have the ability to see what to discard, how to downsize and see where you can now proceed efficiently. It’s time to make a plan, and new schedule, and set up a new routine. You have a strong instinct for self-preservation. Take it one step at a time.
February 25 – Moon in Aquarius. Mercury and Saturn meet to show you the bottom line. They tell you to trust the reality of what you are feeling as we head into a turbulent month. If you need to buy a big ticket item, do it today or tomorrow. Do your research and learn what to buy and who has the best price. Don’t put off that important talk about your relationship.
February 26 – Moon in Aquarius. Everyone is feeling stubborn today. Don’t waste energy trying to convince someone who won’t or can’t hear you. Choose a way to be a rebel and do your part as an individual to make life better for all. Practice random acts of kindness to show others that there is still goodness in the world. enjoy tonight’s dark sky.
February 27 – Moon in Pisces. Jupiter enhances this new Moon’s mystical qualities. Embrace the stillness of the moment. Picture dropping a pebble into a still pond and feel the gentle waves emanating from the center. Listen to spiritual music to inspire you. It’s a pivot point kind of day when the values of the spiritual world take precedence over your daily worries.
February 28 – Moon in Pisces. Plant seeds, both literal and imaginative, while you start an artistic project to do during the next month. Venus is getting ready to go retrograde tomorrow. Shop for clothing, artwork, jewelry, music, and home décor while it’s still easy to do. Patch up any misunderstandings with your partner. Decide what makes you happy.